Graymont Inc Pleasant Gap PA Graymont is the second largest producer of lime in North America with close to 20 locations serving key market regions across Canada and the United States Several of the sites include rail to truck trans load terminals that extend the plant s respective geographic market areas
Details →6 Graymont s Faulkner lime plant is located near Moosehorn Manitoba within two miles of the shore of Lake Manitoba The plant consists of a preheater equipped rotary kiln that can produce both high calcium quicklime and dolomitic lime The kiln is fired with pulverized coal and petcoke Seven silos provide storage for pebbled pulverized and
Details →5 Graymont owns and mines New Zealand s largest single lime quarry at Oparure just North of Te Kuiti on the North Island This 67 hectare quarry is located on top of the rich Waitomo strata and produces exceptionally high grade limestone to supply the Company s Otorohanga and Te Kuiti Plants The Oparure plant which predominantly supplies
Details →The demolition and dismantling of equipment at Graymont shuttered Pavilion plant was completed during 2018 The lime operations we indefinitely idled in 2016 due to a combination of poor market conditions an uncompetitive cost structure and limited stone resources and were permanently closed in late 2017
Details →The Joliette Quebec plant produces hydrated lime and has bagging equipment to provide quicklime in Super Sack on request The facility is also used as a terminal and has storage capacity capable of handling fluctuating market demand The quicklime operations are currently idled and the aggregates operations are closed
Details →Graymont s Pilot Peak plant strategically situated near West Wendover Nevada in close proximity to the State s major gold producers is one of the most modern and efficient lime plants in North America The stone is quarried immediately adjacent to the plant crushed to size and conveyed directly to the preheater kilns
Details →6 L usine de Marbleton situe dans la rgion de l Estrie au Qubec est une des plus vieilles usines de chaux en Amrique du Nord Elle est dote d un quipement moderne et efficace Son approvisionnement de pierre chaux provient d un riche dpôt de rcifs marins exploit depuis 1824 L usine dispose d un four vertical et d un four rotatif qui
Details →6 Skip to main content Secondary menu Customer Portal; Main menu Products Chemical Limestone Dolomitic Limestone
Details →6 Graymont is also the strategic partner of Mexican based Grupo Calidra the largest lime producer in Latin America Professionally managed and family owned the company has been in operation for over 70 years Graymont aims to be the preferred supplier employer and partner of choice wherever we operate Watch the video to learn
Details →6 Graymont s plant in the small community of Havelock New Brunswick is the leading supplier of lime and limestone products throughout the Atlantic region market which includes Canada s Maritime Provinces as well as the State of Maine It is this type of innovation that helps make Graymont the ag lime leader in the Atlantic Region Contact
Details →6 Graymont is also the strategic partner of Grupo Calidra the largest lime producer in Latin America Essential to a wide range of industrial construction and agricultural markets and applications our calcium based solutions and products support air and water purification critical minerals and production of materials such as paper glass
Details →6 Every one of us contributes as individuals and as team members to meeting the needs of our customers Whether you re an engineer accountant tradesperson plant manager production worker safety health and environmental professional or one of our many other skilled colleages you will have opportunities to deliver essential calcium
6 With strategically positioned plants and robust distribution networks Graymont reliably delivers its products and solutions on schedule even in the face of challenges Hydrated lime products supplied by Graymont include high calcium hydrated lime various types of dolomitic hydrated lime and enhanced hydrated lime
Details →6 Corporate Office Supplier and Other Information Requests Corporate Office and North America 200 10991 Shellbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 3C6 Canada
Details →5 Skip to main content Secondary menu Customer Portal; Main menu Products Chemical Limestone Dolomitic Limestone
Details →5 Skip to main content Secondary menu Customer Portal; Main menu Products Chemical Limestone Dolomitic Limestone
Details →6 Graymont s Otorohanga lime plant situated 20 km north of the Company s Oparure quarry operates two rotary lime kilns to manufacture high quality quicklime and hydrated lime products from the raw limestone sourced from the quarry These products supply domestic customers in New Zealand as well as customers in the Asia Pacific region
Details →6 The Rivergate facility a recent addition to Graymont s network of lime production and transfer facilities that spans he western United States is located in Portland Oregon near the fork of the Willamette and Columbia Rivers It provides Graymont with increased hydrating capacity while enhancing the Company s ability to supply quicklime and
Details →Skip to main content Secondary menu Customer Portal; Main menu Products Chemical Limestone Dolomitic Limestone
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